opening: Monday to Saturday
Call us: (+234) 704 - 8378 - 113


Who We Are

Stop Mental Illness Foundation (SMIF) is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to combating the stigma associated with mental illness and promoting mental health and well-being for all individuals within the Nigerian populace at home and in the diaspora to create a better environment for all. Our goal is to stop the stigma attached to mental illness by increasing awareness and promoting attentiveness to mental health concerns and management.

Our Unique Offerings

Your Optimal Mental Health Solution

  • Support System

  • Empowerment

  • Community Spirit

  • Counselling

  • Collaboration


Our Leadership: Guiding Mental Health Advocacy and Support





All Branches


Total Patient



From The Beginning Successfully Impacting Lives



Started Journey

As Stop Mental Illness Stigma Nigeria (SMIS) but CAC approved Stop Mental Illness Foundation (SMIF) in 2019


World Mental Health Day

Every October 10th, we celebrate World Mental Health Day. We organise different mental well-being programs.


SMIF Success Story

Suicidal case of a young man who was revived and stabilized. He is reignited, pursued education, now a graduate


Award Recognition

SMIF recognises the contributions of some prominent individuals towards mental health and to help people attain sound mind


Company Information & Any Question About Us

Mental health comprises our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Likewise, it helps determine how we manage stress, relate to others, and make choices. Health without mental health is incomplete. Mental health is significant at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

You may have a healthy mind and motivation to learn, play, and understand others. Having good ways to deal with your feelings and enjoy life doesn’t mean you will not have a mental illness. Life is full of uncertainty and unpredictability. Just like physical illness, people can experience a mental illness anytime. Many factors like genes or brain chemistry, life experiences, and family history of mental health conditions can contribute to the onset, but Help is available. People with mental health problems can get better or recover completely.

There are lots of Ways to maintain positive mental health, including Relax and reducing stress, Getting enough sleep, Looking after your physical health, Staying positive, Helping others, Finding ways to learn and be creative, Spending time in nature, Connecting with others, Developing coping skills, Getting professional help if you need it, Engaging with those activities can be daunting, be open to a range of approaches and be committed to finding the right support. It can be challenging to find the things that will help you, as different things help different people, take one step at a time and settle for what feels comfortable and go at your own pace, Continue to be hopeful, even when some things don’t work out, Tough times don’t last, but tough does! It will get better.

If you are worried about anyone's mental health and they are not at immediate risk, encourage them to get support from SMIF or any mental health professional and consider helping them to make the initial contact. If you think someone is at immediate risk of hurting themselves or another person call the rescue team.