opening: Monday to Saturday
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 Empowering Women: Prioritizing Mental Health Across Every Stage of Life; Happy International Women’s Day!

In honor of International Women’s Day, the Stop Mental Illness Foundation celebrates the strength, resilience, and achievements of women worldwide. As we commemorate this day, it is crucial to recognize the importance of prioritizing mental health at every stage of a woman’s development. Women play diverse roles in society as caregivers, professionals, mothers, and leaders, […]

Reflections from the Burial Ground: A Call for Mental Wellness and Compassion and Condolences to Sisi Quadri’s and Mr. Ibu’s Loved Ones

Every day, as I step out of my house, I am confronted by the sight of a burial ground nearby. The solemn reminder of mortality prompts a series of introspective questions that echo in my mind: Am I living a life that aligns with my purpose? Am I making meaningful contributions to the lives of […]

Harnessing Pain for Breakthrough: Olugbenga’s Story of Resilience and Empowerment

At Stop Mental Illness Foundation, we believe that pain, when managed with affirmative actions, can lead to transformative breakthroughs in one’s mental health journey. Today, we share the inspiring story of Olugbenga, an African man who turned his pain into affirmative actions, paving the way for personal growth and empowerment. Olugbenga’s journey with mental health challenges began during […]

Navigating Insecurity in the Workplace: Protecting Your Mental Well-Being

December Newsletter You may have encountered insecure and toxic colleagues who are more inclined to focus on interpersonal conflicts rather than addressing underlying issues.   Insecurity can manifest in various forms and is very common in today’s social settings, including the workplace. While it is essential to recognise and empathize with individuals who may be grappling […]

Join the Movement: Supporting Others in Mental Health

The Stop Mental Illness Foundation’s Week 4 lecture series, focusing on “Supporting Others,” is a powerful resource that everyone should watch. Taking place on November 25th and 26th, this insightful program delved into essential topics including recognizing signs of mental health challenges in others, effective ways to support individuals facing mental health issues, and the […]

Join Us for Week 3 Replay: Promoting Mental Well-being – Stop Mental Illness Foundation Basic-Level Mental Health Training Program

We are excited to invite you to watch the replay videos of Week 3 of the Stop Mental Illness Foundation (SMIF) Basic-Level Mental Health Training Program. Week 3 sessions, “Promoting Mental Well-being,” delved into essential strategies for maintaining good mental health, self-care practices, and the role of social support and communication in fostering mental well-being. […]