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Category: Family

Celebrating African and Nigerian Mothers: Navigating Challenges, Mental Health, and Resilience

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, it is essential to recognize and honor the incredible strength, resilience, and dedication of African and Nigerian mothers who face a myriad of challenges in raising their children and managing family responsibilities. In many African societies, mothers are often expected to shoulder a significant burden of caregiving and household duties, […]

The Secret of Happy Family

A happy man is a right thinking man. He tends to handle difficult situations in a better way than others. He knows that feeling upset with some things in life, especially things that one can hardly do anything to ameliorate does not worth it. The choice to be happy or sad is up to you […]

Pre-Traumatic Stress and Post-traumatic stress disorder

  EDITOR: OLUSEYI ELIZABETH ODUDIMU Pre-Traumatic Stress is anticipatory apprehension regarding the future event and reactions to fear of intrinsic worth in the future, it usually arises with related symptoms with post-traumatic stress disorder such as anguish, fear, unhappiness, helplessness, persistent troubled mind, unsettling interfering thoughts of hopelessness, sleep difficulty and nightmares and keeping away […]