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Category: Mental Health

Employment and people with serious mental illness: What can Nigeria government learn

BY OLUSEYI ELIZABETH ODUDIMU Abstract Employment and high income can improve the clinical condition, recovery, quality of life and enhance the social inclusion of people with severe mental illness. However, in the global statistics of the labour force, participation of people with severe mental illness is still very low and this is because many employers […]

Trust The Process

David Allen described “Patience” as the calm acceptance that things can happen in a different order than the one you have in your mind. Most times things won’t work out as planned or as you want them to be, and this can take a toll on us and our mental health. Well, do not be […]

Break the CHAIN – Forgive

Is forgiveness connected to human’s mental health?. Many people do not understand the importance of forgiveness to their mental and physical health, but basically, I would emphasis on scientific investigations and psychological perspectives on the importance of forgiveness to human’s mental health.   (Un)forgiveness is like a poison, it kills the immune system gradually and creates dent […]

The “YOU” in you

If someone asks you, “Who are you?” what do you give in reply? Hold a bit before you rush into answering that question. What if you were to ask yourself who YOU really are, can you sell yourself to YOU, and be accepted? Whatever your reply would be, there is still a “YOU in you” […]

Pre-Traumatic Stress and Post-traumatic stress disorder

  EDITOR: OLUSEYI ELIZABETH ODUDIMU Pre-Traumatic Stress is anticipatory apprehension regarding the future event and reactions to fear of intrinsic worth in the future, it usually arises with related symptoms with post-traumatic stress disorder such as anguish, fear, unhappiness, helplessness, persistent troubled mind, unsettling interfering thoughts of hopelessness, sleep difficulty and nightmares and keeping away […]


  Editor: Oluseyi Elizabeth Odudimu   Depression or major depressive disorder is a mental illness that causes a feeling of unhappiness, loneliness, hopelessness and helplessness, which usually lead to suicidal thoughts or actions. It affects individual thinking feelings and functions. Depression is a physical and emotional weight that undermines the inner peace experience. It causes […]